The purpose of this blog is to give an in-depth analysis of the problems facing black people in the UK. The hope had been that with the UK progressing to a much open, tolerant, fairer, multicultural society. Outcomes for black people would've massively improved. After all, since 2010, the Equalities Act has meant that direct and indirect discrimination, victimisation, and harassment are illegal . But the data tells a very different story, especially when it comes to outcomes for black people. The effects can be seen from childbirth to life expectancy , criminal and justice, homelessness, mental health, employment and earnings, and education. The main reason often cited for the poor outcomes for black people is institutional racism. The claim that government institutions mainly the police service in the UK is institutionally racist was widely accepted after the Macpherson Report was published in 1999. The report concluded that there may be widespread ‘unwitting prejudic...
The Black Conversation - 25-01-2021 Why are Black People unlikely to have the Jab? The last couple of weeks I have been flooded on WhatsApp by various Coronavirus misinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories. The same information has been spreading virally on most social media platforms, Some videos are unsettling because some of the people creating this content are professional health workers like doctors and nurses. The very people that should know better. I know it is only natural that we look at various sources for information to determine how best to protect ourselves and our loved ones in these challenging times, but the accuracy and authenticity of that information have never been so important, given where we are in this pandemic. This week the UK, Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) released a report that raised fresh concerns over Covid vaccine uptake among black, Asian, and minority ethnic communities (BAME) as research showed up to 72% of b...